Monday, September 25, 2006


1st time home buyer

ah, the first time home buyer is on the prowl. prices are ever so slowly inching downward. the feel of wanting and the desire to finally own is hitting harder now. yet the whole approach at times is ass backwards.

too many folks are first seeking the claimed neighborhood, okay good choice. seeking out the right building or apartment. then the joy of haggling with a price. then afterwards with not as much attention to find a mortgage.

funny thing. you want to know how much mortage and monthly payments you can truly afford. then add maint. or common charges and RET to that number. opps, add the closing costs. and...

how long are you going to own the new home. that will or can determine the rates and terms of the monthly payments. less or lower payments, even with sometimes a higher loan amount. somehow you need to equate the buying experience like going out food shopping for the week, yet you only have a few dollars in your pocket. that just doesn't work.

you gotta plan ahead. plot and plan the course of action. figure out the costs, monthly pymts, and all the other details all before you go out looking and seeking that place to call home. no need wasting your time to only find out you have been looking for a way different price range.

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